Famous leather doctor
Elegant international interstellar leather craftsman
Hong Kong's first leather repair and care store
The only doctor in leather care repair in Asia
Exclusive refining process for the Asian regional environment
Doing a global leather care store
The top The top, the top, the superior meaning, and the name of DR.HARRY CHENG's name conceal, respect the craftsman's ingenuity, with the fine craftsmanship, the spirit of excellence and excellent craftsmanship, let your "love leather goods, long-lasting new
Hong Kong's first leather repair and care shop
Dr. Cheng cheuk-fung, founder of cheng cheuk-fung leather care, has been engaged in the maintenance of famous brands for more than 42 years and has repaired more than 500,000 pieces of leather goods. Its leather maintenance excellence nursing skills were one of the Hong Kong media widely known as the "famous doctors" nickname, with most visited by media, has repeatedly in different media such as radio, magazines and newspapers share leather care tips, lead Hong Kong leather maintenance care the contribution of best known, Mr. Zheng is also more between newspapers and the trend of fashion magazine leather consultant. It is the first one-stop shop for leather goods repair and maintenance in Hong Kong. Zhuofeng leather care store entered the Chinese mainland market in 2010, opened a store in shenzhen, and established the brand of zhuofeng leather care store, so that more customers can understand the importance of the concept of leather care and environmental protection.
Famous brand leather doctor
In the past 42 years, we have experienced several economic ups and downs together with Hong Kong people. With the help of our founder, Dr Cheng cheuk-fung, we are widely trusted by famous shops and customers. Despite the vicissitude of time and economic vicissitude, zhuo feng still stands firm and becomes the leader in the industry. As early as the early 1980s, zhuo feng has cooperated with more than 10 famous fashion shops, until now, it has been designated as the official maintenance dealer by many international brands.
As a gem
In the leather repair industry in Hong Kong, Zhuofeng is the one with the highest maintenance, the best craftsmanship and the most respected. Mr. Zheng has a noble sentiment. He likes nostalgia and is very supportive of environmental protection. For all the customers' products, they are all handled by human hands. They are meticulous and make many worn-out leather goods reborn as a gem. The coloring and refurbishing leather is convenient, never painted, and the metal plating technology is the crown of the peers. Even after the designer handbags are refurbished, it can become a "global limited edition"! How can you not know Zhuo Feng when you ask a designer?
Professional, careful and reliable
Zhuofeng has set up a factory, and he is the longest-serving person in Hong Kong. He is known for his finest craftsmanship. He has been invited by the manufacturers of nursing products to English, Italian and French. Communicate with local manufacturers for leather care, and then based on local technology, we will develop a refined recipe for local use and care based on the warm and humid weather in Asia, in order to maximize the longest and most durable leather goods for customers. Care effect.
[HIM Monthly]
Best Leather Care Service Award
[New City Information Desk]
U CHOICE Life Brand
[Economic Weekly]
Strong Brand Awards
[Face Weekly]
Best Brand Award
[Sun News]
Super Brand Awards
[Hong Kong New City Finance Station and Shenzhen Feiyang]
Most Popular Hong Kong Bright Consumer Brands 2013
[Mali Kay Monthly]
Best Leather Goods
Repair Repair 2014
[Capital Entrepreneur Monthly]
Outstanding Entrepreneur Awards
New Entrepreneur Awards
Green Business Awards
Extraordinary Brand Awards
Extraordinary Leather Care Repair Service Awards
Entrepreneur of the Year
[Ming Pao Weekly]
Star Leather Care Nursing Awards 2014
The Best Quality Environmental Innovation Award
Hong Kong has your best brand award
[TVB Weekly]
Mother's Love Brand Award
The most popular brand award
Most Valuable Service
Awards In HongKong 2014
[Urban Spiritual Monthly]
Outstanding Business Wizard Awards
Outstanding Business Wizards (Honours) Awards
Excellent Leather Care Nursing Award
Greater China Excellence Brand Awards
Hong Kong Head Office: Room A, 7th Floor
Phone: 2530-0978
Port City Branch: Eurobank Centre, 9 Zhaolong Street, Central
Phone: 2521-2698
Shenzhen first branch: Shop No. 4009, 4/F, Gateway Plaza, Harbour City, Kowloon
Phone: 0755-2291-7177
Shenzhen second branch: Shop No. L136,Jingji 100 KK Mall East Street, No. 5016, Shennan East Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen, China
Phone: 0755-2360-9922